En los comics Superman y Lex tienen un hijo. ¡No, en serio!
Este es un clon creado de Superman utilizando material genetico de Lex Luthor. Al rato me levanto del piso, que aun me estoy revolcando de la risa.
"Recently, Superboy received a mysterious e-mail detailing the 'truth' behind his genesis. This document revealed that half of Superboy's DNA was from Superman, but the other half may be that of criminal mastermind Lex Luthor. Superboy doubted the veracity of this claim, but Robin continues to search for answers - and concluded that the e-mail was indeed accurate.
However, there is one other person who knows this secret... and is absolutely willing to exploit it. And that person is Lex Luthor himself!"
En ocasiones el texto hace demasiado facil el slash. ¡Donde esta el reto!
Gracias a Titans Tower: Superboy
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